Heya! I am currently working as a technical game designer at Star Stable. My day to day involves driving, designing, implementing, and iterating upon features related to mainly gameplay, ux, and tools.

I have played games since I was 4, and have seen games evolve and push boundaries ever since.  As a developer or player,  I have always been fascinated by how the details synthesize to create a holistic gaming experience.  

Thus, I approach game design with a holistic mindset, focusing on the vision and the bigger picture regardless of my task. I often times find myself designing or implementing player-facing systems and features related to gameplay and UX, while also ensuring that they enhance the overall experience harmoniously.

I am a social person and I love the collaborative aspect of game development. Getting to know people, their passions, and areas of expertise is fun in and of itself, but getting to combine that with my own to create something is exhilarating.

When I am not making games, I usually play and/or analyze them, dissecting them to understand the design choices and priorities. Other times, I just enjoy reading a book, meditating, or going out with friends.

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