QuB is a challenging 2d platformer with mouse-based actions.

Team size  – SOLO

Engine – Unity

Time – 2 weeks

Genre – Platformer

Inspirations  Celeste & Super Meat Boy

Focus  Gameplay Design & UX design

My goal & Focus

For this project, I wanted to challenge myself by making a platformer with mouse controls. 

Mouse controls are incredibly flexible and responsive to player input. The flexibility contrasts the tightness of conventional platformers, making for a novel control scheme that opens up for new types of challenges for the player to overcome.

Player goal

Use conventional platforming controls to get into flow

Take on challenging platforming segments

Utilize mouse-based actions for extra control

Design Pillars

Tight platforming
Free-form mouse controls

Mouse snapping

When targeting, the target cursor locks on to viable targets.

This was paramount for making the control scheme work.

Design Intention

  • Tighten mouse controls and simplify aiming
    • Increases flow
  • Compensate for camera movement.
  • Greatly lowers skillfloor and friction.

Holding down the button turns the cursor into the associated reticle, and shows a circle around it.

The reticle locks on to any viable target that enters it. and makes a “click”sound.

Releasing the button executes the action – in this case, the player hooks to the target.


First prototype, without snapping, shortening, or camera lock.

The hookshot is a mouse-based movement mechanic, which was important to get right as it would initially be detrimental to movement feel because of how sluggish it felt.

This was achieved by

  • The mouse snapping
    • Streamlines input
  • Shortening the hookshot rope when latching on to things
    • Tight and consistent output from the action
      • important for platformers
  • Camera locks on to hook-target
    • A stable camera simplifies mouse controls

Shooting Mechanic

The player can shoot enemies using ammo found throughout the levels, and It also uses mouse snapping.

Design intention

  • Leverage mouse controls
    • It was very scope-efficient
  • Add another layer of challenge
  • Add variation to levels with another mechanic

Move Mechanic

I added a move mechanic, to give even higher level of control to the player. Its a drag and drop mechanic, and doesnt use mouse snapping.

Design process

Adding mouse snapping was out of scope, and as such, It was harder to use, which meant I had to make it more rewarding to justify the cognitive load. Luckily, it felt powerful from the getgo, and I just had to use it sparingly.


Selling the Player Fantasy by level design

Among platformers, QuB has a unique control scheme, which elongates the learning curve. 

Inspired by dark souls, the first challenge after the tutorial was designed may look imposing, but is ultimately designed to reward the learning process. 

The first segment is a straight-forward skillcheck on mouse controls. Hook, shoot, hook, shoot, grab ammo, shoot, etc. But it puts the player on the clock by infinitely spawning enemies.

Rewarding quickly executing mouse abilities feels good because of how much control the player has, which makes the victory, quickly flowing through the level as shown in the video, so sweet.

The second segment contrasts this. In order to show off qubs potential variety, its much slower, focusing on ammo management and tight platforming.

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